Web Design
About Web Design
Create a Professional Web Site Using Adobe WEB design premium Programs , starting with Learning Web design Concepts and Learning Html Codes and some Jave scripts standards then our Adobe certified instructors will take you through the adobe Web design premium programs
Web Designing course is one of our professional diplomas that covers the Web design and Publishing production workflow starting from creating your site map and building your website interface and design that's why this diploma is very useful for people who want to start building there web sites starting from designing it with the right way until finalizing , linking and publishing them on the internet and be ready for use.
Course topics
PhotoShop for Web
Adobe animate
Adobe muse
Hosting & Domain Register
Final Project
Who Finish Web Design diploma will be able to finalize his video shots regarding his scenario and storyboard ,adding effects, recording and editing his audio and video , also will be able to make his own motion graphics for intros and demos and can make special effects to his scenes .